URG is excited to roll out a new feature: We have partnered with OPS Trax via our PartsSourcePro system. This connection is your ticket to reaching thousands of MSOs and independent shops eager for quality parts.

How Does It Work?

Call or email us at URG to get started, and we’ll integrate your parts catalog into the system. But here’s where it gets a bit interesting – we have two types of connections for you:

  • Integrated AND Non-Integrated through OPS:
    • All orders will be seen in OPS, both integrated and non-integrated.
    • OPS will offer a list of features on the training call; MOST do not apply to how you will receive most of your orders.

One More Thing: This is a big update; there is only ONE system to log into. After launching a few yards on OPS, it might be easier for yards to log into and manage their sales, so we did it—just one system.

Need More Info?

Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered! URG and the PartsSourcePro team are setting up a webinar to dive deeper into these connections, guide you through the setup process, and answer any questions you might have. Stay tuned for the date and details!

We’re here to help make this transition as smooth and beneficial as possible. Embrace this opportunity to expand your reach and increase your sales with our new integration options. If you have any immediate questions or need assistance, please reach out.

Looking forward to seeing your yard thrive with Trax!

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