Tools For Success: Weekly Meetings Are Key

Ron Sturgeon / Read original article

Weekly Meetings Are Key

The first article in this series listed more than 25 tactics to increase your business success, all of them based on my experience. I started with nothing and didn’t get to college, so I know you can achieve maximum success, regardless of your education. E-mail me to get the first article or any of the other articles in the series. Each of the articles after the first takes a closer look at one of the tactics.

Have an agenda. Review it; require reports from each one on what they got done since last week’s meeting and what they will get done next week. I keep my agenda in my iPhone and add to it each week as I walk around and or think of things. The morning of the meeting, I sync the phone and print it out; it takes less than 5 minutes weekly to do the agenda. You will be amazed how busy everyone gets the day before the meeting to make sure they can report out DONE the next day. Employees love structure, don’t let them B.S. you otherwise.

My good friend and business partner Clint Georg taught me this in the late 80s. The same day every week, we convened a meeting with all the stakeholders/managers. Sometimes we invited other department heads or key players. This leverages off of your sense of urgency, which was last month’s article.

I had a MBWA. That’s a degree in Management By Walking Around. In the beginning I had a small pocket notebook, later and electronic rolodex, then a Treo, then an IPhone. When I saw something that needed attention or that needed to be explored, I put it down, adding it to the “standard” agenda of things like sales, etc. When it came time for the meeting I could just print that out and immediately had a current list of things to discuss. BUT WAIT, we always started the meeting by discussing what was discussed the prior week with updates. Our meetings were on Wednesday, and you can’t imagine how busy folks were on Tue and even staying late Tue night.

Read the rest of this article HERE

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