Go to www.urgsalessupport.com then click on Sign In on the left hand side. Enter in your URG Sales Support ID and Password.
Then click on “URGNet Control Center”. If you do not see “URGNet Control Center” then click on “Setup Your Store” then “URGNet Control Center”.
Next to CCC you will now see “Data Exceptions Report”.
When you click on Data Exceptions Report you will have the below options:
Go To Report: Takes you into your Data Exceptions Report. In here you have the ability to Show all Parts or specific parts, sort by any column, and search for specific key words. The Regrade Explanation column will tell you what we found and the downgrade action. Actions are A=Send A Grade, B=Send B Grade, C=Don’t send, D=Downgrade, F=Flush or don’t send the part, K=Part Not Graded but sent to CCC.
Create User for Your Company: Allows you to create another user to access this report w/o giving administrative privileges. Create the login then email them the link to access the report. http://reports1.urgsalessupport.com
Update Your account: Allows you update you company profile. You can reset your password, Your Company Name or your E-mail address.
Update User account: Allows you to reset passwords for specific users.
Delete User account: Allows you to remove user accounts.
http://reports1.urgsalessupport.com – link to go directly to report instead of logging into the URGNet Control Center.